Monthly Archives: January 2020

Coronavirus effects on transports

CORONAVIRUS EFFECTS ON TRANSPORTS Please note the current coronavirus situation in China can affect both import and export shipments from China at harbours and airports. Beweship will try to serve its customers as usual but delays and cancellations are possible. Beweship will inform more about the situation if necessary. For more information on transports and […]

Fuel and sulphur surcharges for road transport in January 2020

Fuel and sulphur surcharges for road transport in January 2020 Fuel surcharge for road transport  West Europe, Denmark and Central Eastern Europe   5,08 % United Kingdom            0,54 % Sweden and Norway    1,95 % The Baltic Countries 2,44 % Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan  2,8 % Finland 24,5 % Fuel surcharges will be […]